Sunday, February 24, 2008

Jacques Resch

[Les maisons qui volent - Jacques Resch]

Jacques Resch is a surrealist artist born in France in 1945, who now lives in Africa. His paintings have a remarkable resemblance to the styles of Gonsalves, Breughel and Dali combined, although not as straight forward as Gonsalves' works, not as crowded as Breughel's nor as wacky as Dali's. Resch's style is also influenced by Symbolism, especially on paintings like "Les pyramides" and "Le Diabolo".

Resch names his influences in style: "Bosch, Brueghel and Dali", which stand clear in his works. The first of them has Resch's full respect ('Bosch uses dreams to adventure into the interior of the human spirit'). Resch's works are influenced by modern technology and world politics.

Some of his works can be found for preview and sale on

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think most of the Surrealists were influenced by Hieronymus Bosch's paintings. Here is one of my favorites -

A classic - Ship of Fools